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Blog Entry 11 - Space Design

Updated: Mar 2, 2023

This week I looked at some spaces that can be used in my design. Different arrangements of spaces can have different functions and give the player different moods.


  • Linear: one-way, can see everything, suitable for limited scene

  • Spinal: one-way, can't see unless stop at the entrance of each room, suitable for adding more content

  • Serial Progression: from a small space gradually to a large space, feeling small and open. On the contrary, it will feel oppressive.

  • Centric: can see all the things by standing in the middle of the scene, totally exposed

  • Courtyard: can't see unless entering the rooms. The rooms are in parallel relationships, the player can choose any to enter first

  • Cloister: the player will see one by one, the box in the middle can block the views and let the player start only from one side

Entering the Scene

  • the player can see the path to the next scene, to some extent can make them feel safe and comfortable

  • symmetrical threshold, an open feeling but less comfortable because the player needs to look both left and right to see everything

  • entering from one side, the player may feel safe because they are moving along a wall (the wall gives the player a sense of reliability)

  • entering from the corner, not orderliness, can see everything at a first glance

Mood & Lines

These are some lines or spaces that express moods.

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