Although this mode will not be prototyped, this is also one of our modes that will be released with the game. As I came up with the idea of this mode, I'll be responsible to design it. I'll design this mode further than the rough planning I did a few months ago.
The initial planning for this mode:
the maps can support 6-12 players
players act as teams (can be 2v2v2 or 3v3v3..., providing more opportunities for the players to choose from), players in the same team represent the same fruit
the scene will be on a stage that is surrounded by juicer knives, once the player is rammed out of the stage, he will turn into juice and go back on the stage in the form of the juice within several seconds. The juice on the stage has the function of letting other players accelerate (similar mechanics to our classic mode). This way, juice can help his teammates to ram into others or make it their opponents easier to fall off the stage
weapons and skills will be disabled in the game, this is an only attacking others by bumping them mode
the fruit (not the juice) who stands last on the stage wins (the whole team wins)
The Questions & Solutions
Because that was rough planning, so I didn't consider it very carefully in the details. Here are some problems that might be caused:
What if the juice falls off the stage again? Will he die or be reborn as the juice again? (if he can reborn, then he will not cherish his life anymore due to he can just keep reborn with no punishments)
Can a 'juice' player ram another juice player? What will happen if they collide?
Will the game finish too quickly? (because it will be very easy for a player to be rammed out of the stage, once there are players who turn into juice, it would be very quick for the others to turn into juice as well, and the game ends...)
So the next part I'm going to come up with the solutions to each question that I listed above:
If the juice falls off again, the footprint of his juice will be reduced by half. This means once the juice has been reduced in size 3 times, he will die. So this can make the players still cherish their lives when they become the juice.
If the juice members of the same team collide, then they will be combined into one larger juice, and this juice will be controlled by these 2 people at the same time (one controls the forward movement while the other will control the left and right). If the juice collides with his opponent, then both of them will be reduced in half of their occupied footprints.
However, this question can also be solved by a solution similar to the first question. When the fruit first fall off the stage, he will still be back as a fruit, but if he falls off 3 times, then he will become a juice. Once the process of the fruit turning into juice is longer, the game will end later too.
Props In This Mode
Different from the props in the classic mode, props in this mode will be used automatically once the players collected them.
The Expansion Powder: the player will become bigger in his total size and at the same time gain double force (can ram others easier), but his speed will be reduced due to the heaviness - This is a little different from the powder in classic mode
The Shrinking Powder: the player will become smaller in his total size and at the same time lose double force (harder to ram others), but his speed will increase due to the small weight - This is a little different from the powder in classic mode
The Acceleration Cheese: the player will gain speed (can ram others easier)
Note: the powders are different from the classic mode because the expansion powder here is used on players themselves, they can gain double force so it should be a more beneficial props. Similar to the shrinking powder.
The Game World
This mode will not be prototyped, so I will not design it further at this stage. I build rough environments for this mode, it can show a sense of the visual of this mode(image below).
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The Loading Page
I also made a loading page for this section. All our modes will have a loading page that has some text instructions on it so that when players are waiting, the texts can enhance the player's knowledge about this game.